
Study Plan and Checklist in the Next 3 Months

Here is a planning for the Maching Learning/Programming Basics knowledge study in the next three month. The plan basically covers Stanford CS229, CS231 and MIT 6.006.

1. “If no deadline, there’s no plan!”

A deadline is crucial for any plan to be practical!

As a 3 month plan, the deadline is set to Mar. 31, 2019 for completing all the jobs.

Let’s make it happen!

2. Plan Details and Checklist

In the upcoming three month, I’ll keep updating the checklist below to track my progress of the plan.

Updated on 02/15/2019, remove CS230 for this 3-month plan.

2.1. CS229

» CS229 Syllabus and Course Schedule

2.2. CS230

[>> CS230 Syllabus and Course Schedule](

2.3. CS231

» CS231 Main Page Spring 2017

2.4. MIT6.006

» MIT6.006 Main Page

2.5. Readings


» Deep Learning Book Online
