Python 中的
None是一个特殊的常量。 None和False不同。 None不是0。 None不是空字符串。 None和任何其他的数据类型比较永远返回False。 None有自己的数据类型NoneType。 你可以将None复制给任何变量,但是你不能创建其他NoneType对象。
The None Object
Note that the PyTypeObject for None is not directly exposed in the Python/C API. Since None is a singleton, testing for object identity (using == in C) is sufficient. There is no PyNone_Check() function for the same reason.
PyObject* Py_None
The Python None object, denoting lack of value. This object has no methods. It needs to be treated just like any other object with respect to reference counts.
Properly handle returning Py_None from within a C function (that is, increment the reference count of None and return it.)